Exciting News: Check out our new address!
Exciting News: Check out our new address! We’re thrilled to announce that our business, San Diego Beer, Wine and Spirits Tours has a new location! Starting immediately, you can find us at: 805 W. Harbor Dr. Ste B, San Diego, CA 92101 (Seaport Village) – in collaboration with our wonderful friends at San Pasqual Winery….
January 7, 2025
Happy Holidays from San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!
What a year 2020 has been! We’ve all been cooped up in our homes while the pandemic rages on. But it looks like this Spring and Summer we’ll be pandemic free, and your friends and family will be anxious to get outside and enjoy the beautiful things that life has to offer! This Holiday Season, gift your friends and family the perfect gift… something they’ll value, that they’ll remember, that will make them think of you. Research shows that it’s better across the board to pursue experiences rather than material possessions. The science backs us up, and we love when that happens! Rather than aggregate more and more stuff, spend your money on things to do, memories to make, making new friends, and sharing new things with people you love. That’s where we come in. We love offering the best…
December 1, 2020
April’s Cocktail – Elderberry Refresher
It’s beginning to look a lot like SPRING! San Diego is known for its warmer climates year round, but lately it’s been pretty gloomy. April brings promising weather because let’s face it, 60 degrees is pretty chilly for us San Dieagans. Enjoy this fruity cocktail with your favorite people and soak in the spring sun:…
April 20, 2019
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!
Green beer is okay, but “going green” on one of our train tours is much better! We have barely recovered from Valentine’s Day, but St. Patrick’s Day is nearly upon us. As we adore Ireland with every fiber of our being (that’s where our lovely Shira Bliss is from!) we are happy to share some insider love with you. Now, you could celebrate the old-fashioned way – by pinching people and drinking green beer until you can’t look at anything green for the next month – but why go that route? Let’s Get Shamrocked! Here are our suggestions. Don’t let its reputation fool you. Ireland is not just a country of craic and Guinness. It is also a land of epicures and microbreweries, which in recent years have started springing up like mushrooms after a rain. Unfortunately, not many Irish…
February 26, 2018
Happy Valentine’s MONTH!
Wine comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye; That’s all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die. -William Butler Yeats February is such a great month in San Diego. Not only is it when springtime begins around here, but it’s also the month of love! Valentine’s Day is a tradition that’s been going on for centuries – and probably millennia. The tradition of Valentine’s Day is murky, but it’s thought to come from a 5th century Roman fertility rite called Lupercalia. The rites were supposed to honor Faunus, the god of agriculture, and Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome who according to legend were raised by a she-wolf. The rites consisted of parties and sacrifices, but most importantly, wine. Over time, it became much more about romantic…
January 23, 2017
San Diego Beer and Wine Tours Welcomes 2016!
Image Courtesy: Flickr user bayasaa Here we are once again at the end of yet another year. But what a year it’s been! This is the year that everything started to change. San Diego got on the map as the foodie landmark it’s always deserved to be; our region started to make headway in the wine…
December 31, 2015
San Diego Beer and Wine Tours is in the Club!
We are proud to announce that we are now members of the prestigious 500 Club! What’s that, you’re asking? We’re tickled pink to tell you. We’re just bursting at the seams with pride, in fact, because what that means is that we have now received more than 500 five-star reviews from the TripAdvisor community. Sure, this may come across as bragging, but the truth is we know that we wouldn’t be able to make our trips wonderful without the people who come along with us. Sampling fine foods and delicious beers and wines is a wonderful thing, but without people to share them with, the pleasure is dulled. We’re so happy to have such wonderful company along for the ride, quite literally. When we’re on the train watching a glorious sunset over the Pacific Ocean, our bellies full of the best…
December 2, 2015
Celebrate Dia de los Muertos with San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!
San Diego is a very special place for a number of reasons. First, there’s the remarkable weather: mostly gentle and warm, with a Mediterranean climate and miles of the most glorious coastline anyone’s ever seen. Then, there are the people: friendly and kind and — not to toot our own horns or anything — but San Diegans have been named some of the best looking people in the country for years, a combination of our lifestyle choices, the outdoor living, and… well, it’s probably something to do with our amazing craft beer scene! But there’s another reason San Diego is special, and that’s the proximity to the international border. Our culture is deeply infused with all things Mexico, from our whitewashed, ranch-style homes to our delicious San Diego-style tacos to our slang… and our holidays. All over San Diego, people are celebrating Dia…
November 1, 2015
Happy National Cat Day from San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!
This week isn’t just the leadup to Halloween. It also contains a very special day, one that everyone should celebrate, one with a near-universal appeal. We’re talking about National Cat Day, of course. What better time to tell your furry feline friends how much you appreciate them? Sure, they may not understand. More likely, however,…
October 29, 2015
Golf and Beer: The Best of San Diego On Tap
Photo Courtesy: Flickr user Kulicki San Diego has a lot going for it. Beaches, mountains, great weather, great people, great beer – and great golf. It’s a well-kept secret that San Diego has some world class golf courses – more than 90 throughout the county – and they’re all great for different reasons. Of course,…
October 1, 2015