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Happy National Cat Day from San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!

This week isn’t just the leadup to Halloween.  It also contains a very special day, one that everyone should celebrate, one with a near-universal appeal.

Photo courtesy; Flickr user Helena JacobaWe’re talking about National Cat Day, of course.

What better time to tell your furry feline friends how much you appreciate them? Sure, they may not understand.  More likely, however, is that they just don’t care what you think, because they’re cats.  But you can still show them you love and appreciate them! And you can do so the way you show everyone you care about how much you love them – with beer and wine!

Okay, first of all: don’t ever give your cat wine or beer that’s intended for humans.  Just don’t. It’ll hurt the cat and plus you want all that to yourself.  Right? Right.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, check this out: Wine for cats. Never drink alone again!  This concoction, made from grape juice and perhaps a twist of catnip, contains no alcohol, but apparently does taste a lot like wine. Like your cat cares. Once you get a glass or two of catnip into Fluffy, it’s a free-for-all and there’s no telling what he might do! Er, we’ve heard.

If you feel like drinking in front of your cat instead of with your cat (and we totally get it), check out one of the many, many cat-themed tipples out there.  It seems like cats and drink are one of the most perfect matches on the planet. There’s Black Cat VineyardFat Cat Cellars, White Cat, Laughing Cat, and the list goes on and on – and that’s just the vino!

Still searching for your perfect drink? How about your perfect cat? How about both? Check out this online quiz and get back to us with your result.

If you’re a beer lover, and of course you are, you might be feeling a little bit left out by now. Don’t worry. We’ll never forget our fellow cerevisaphiles or our fellow ailurophiles.  We may have even saved the best for last – you decide. It’s an Instagram channel dedicated to beer… and cats.  It’s called, appropriately enough, Beer Cats.  You can follow it yourself (it’s got more than 11,000 followers on Instagram!) or add your own #beercat.  Either way, enjoy the visual feast.

Even if you don’t have a cat, this Thursday is a great time to appreciate one, whether it’s when you’re drinking away the evening together or simply appreciating photos of your favorite cats and kittens with your favorite beers.  The cats in your life will appreciate it, too. Or maybe they won’t.  You can never tell with those guys.

Cheers, pointy ears!
Brooke B., Web Fursonality