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Tasty's Blog


Happy National Wine Day!

One of our favorite days of the year is here – it's National Wine Day in the United States, and we'll definitely be celebrating! How are you going to celebrate? If you need ideas, we've got plenty. You could learn about local wineries on one of our walking tours, you could sit back and enjoy a coastal train tour, or a take a guided tour with us through San Diego's Wine Country.  Don't know your blends from your varietals? If you want to more fully appreciate National Wine Day, why not throw yourself a tasting party? We'll lend our expertise and put together a great dinner to go with your drinks so you can pair like a champion.  Happy Wine Day, with love from everyone at San Diego Beer and Wine Tours! Brooke B., Wine Lover

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May 25, 2012

La Jolla Half Marathon – Beer Runner

The La Jolla Half Marathon is this Sunday, and in its honor we're going to tell you a secret. If you're a runner, you probably already know it. If you aren't a runner, this might change your mind. Here it is. After a long run, there are a very few drinks recommended for recovery during training for a marathon. As hardcore runners and Hash House Harriers have known for generations, one of the shining stars of recovery drinks is… beer. Thirsty after the run? La Jolla Brew House has just the ticket to quench your thirst! That's right – after punishing your body after a long run, it turns out that tipping back a beer or two will not only help your body combat inflammation and soreness, it will also pump up your immune system and help your body fight…

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April 28, 2012

Cinco de Mayo Beer & Wine Tours

Happy Cinco de Mayo! May 5th is a holiday that owes a lot to beer. First and foremost, it’s the day that commemorates the long-shot defeat of well-equipped French forces by the far scrappier Mexican soldiers in 1862, and whether beer was involved at the time is anyone’s guess. Cinco de Mayo, a minor holiday…

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April 25, 2012

Earth Day – We Live it!

Since Earth Day debuted on April 22nd,1970, it’s gone from fringe to mainstream as people all over the world began to realize that responsible stewardship of the earth is a matter of human survival. But it doesn’t need to be difficult. You can celebrate Earth Day with fun and in style. All you need is…

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April 20, 2012

Don’t be an April Fool!

Expensive wines aren’t always good wines. Who hasn’t had the experience of being seduced by snappy packaging into paying way too much for a bottle of wine that is, quite frankly, mediocre? The same goes for beer. Even here, in the heart of craft beer country, there are great beers… and then there are duds. This April First, don’t be “fooled” by bad beer and wine in a beautiful glass! How do you learn to tell the difference between what’s pleasing to the palate and what’s just barely palatable? Often, learning which brands are delicious and which to pass on is a matter of trial and error or personal taste, but sometimes people don’t know the signs of a corked wine, especially when it’s being served to them in a restaurant. Here’s a tip – if your wine smells like…

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April 1, 2012

Cuddle up by the fire and bring out the soup (and an IPA!)

It’s a great day to make soup. Here’s a tasty recipe that’s easy and full of delicious minerals! Yellow Lentil Soup Boil lentils in 3x the water. Turn off stove and let sit 2 hrs. Drain and rinse. Make broth by simmering veggies of choice with water, kombu (dried seaweed), dried mushrooms, garlic, onions, bayleaf, dried herbs such as thyme. Cook the lentils with the broth. Add sweet potato chunks last half hour of cooking. When done add salt, pepper and little curry powder and WeOlive olive oil. Cook for another 10 mins. Serve with warm crusty rye bread and butter and an IPA (my current fav is Lagunitas Hop Stoopid). Join us on a beer and food walking tour and taste some great local IPAs. -Shira Bliss, Lentil Lover

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March 18, 2012

Urban Wineries: Great wine, small package

By Paul Anthony Vild, Co-founder San Diego Beer & Wine Tours I don’t want to take anything away from vineyards. It is nice to get out there and experience the romance of being right next to the vines, meeting the winemaker and seeing the operations, and of course the tastings. In this article, though, I…

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March 14, 2012

Catch the Luck of the Irish!

Saint Patrick's Day is on its way, and it's bringing a brand-new BEER TRAIN TOUR with it! Come celebrate the luck of the Irish with us as we sample the best brews San Diego has to offer. And in keeping with St. Patty’s Day, Go GREEN by traveling with us on this exciting beer tour…

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March 5, 2012

A Soy Stroganoff Did You Say?

One of my favorite dishes growing up was my grandmother’s beef stroganoff. Recently, someone offered me the challenge of re-creating this wholesome comfort dish… WITHOUT using dairy. Considering the main ingredients in a beef stroganoff include CREAM of mushroom soup and sour CREAM, it was quite the challenge. After some careful thought, I developed my…

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March 4, 2012

A Wonderful Vegan Life

This past week, I have been practicing my vegan dishes. It’s fun to find new and healthier ways to prepare some of your favorite meals. Ever try making a chocolate cake … using an avocado? I did! In order to prepare a vegan chocolate cake, you eliminate all ingredients that stem from animals. A healthy…

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February 7, 2012