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chauffeured tours

Exciting News: Check out our new address!

Exciting News: Check out our new address! We’re thrilled to announce that our business, San Diego Beer, Wine and Spirits Tours has a new location! Starting immediately, you can find us at: 805 W. Harbor Dr. Ste B, San Diego, CA 92101 (Seaport Village) – in collaboration with our wonderful friends at San Pasqual Winery….

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January 7, 2025

Happy Valentine’s MONTH!

Wine comes in at the mouth And love comes in at the eye; That’s all we shall know for truth Before we grow old and die. -William Butler Yeats February is such a great month in San Diego.  Not only is it when springtime begins around here, but it’s also the month of love! Valentine’s Day is a tradition that’s been going on for centuries – and probably millennia.  The tradition of Valentine’s Day is murky, but it’s thought to come from a 5th century Roman fertility rite called Lupercalia.  The rites were supposed to honor Faunus, the god of agriculture, and Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome who according to legend were raised by a she-wolf.  The rites consisted of parties and sacrifices, but most importantly, wine. Over time, it became much more about romantic…

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January 23, 2017

Let the Good Times Roll with San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!

Image Source: Flickr user Mark Gstohl Mardi Gras is almost here! This is one of the best times of year to be a lover of food and drink. It’s related to Carnaval, which comes from the phrase “carne vale,” or “farewell to the flesh,” and in the Christian calendar is the time of feasting before the self-deprivation of Lent begins. The Mardi Gras feasting and partying day is also known as Shrove Tuesday, the day that precedes Ash Wednesday. Both days are known as “moveable feast” days, which got their name because their dates move throughout the year in relation to Easter Sunday, which is always held on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Northern Hemisphere’s spring equinox. That’s a mouthful, so to speak. But we love moveable feasts so much that’s what we do! Every…

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February 11, 2015