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Tasty's Blog


Celebrate Autumn with San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!

Sometimes, we hear complaints that southern California doesn't have seasons. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have four seasons here just like nearly anywhere else; all it takes to fully enjoy them is developing an appreciation for the subtle. Which is, of course, a great way to learn to fully enjoy wine, as well.  That's our way of telling you that fall is on its way! In San Diego, you don't see many trees changing color, and frost doesn't begin to pinch at your nose until at least December, but you can tell when autumn gets here. The air is clearer, but with a tinge of smoke from chimneys and faraway forest fires, the sky is a perfect shade of chilly blue, and the grape stomps begin.  Did you know that there are more than 60 wineries in…

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July 30, 2013

San Diego Beer and Wine Tours Is Off to the Races Again!

Grab your big hats and your pin money, because it's horse racing season again! We can hardly believe it, but it's that time of year already — the track is open for business today! The Del Mar Horse Races are among San Diego's best known events; the racetrack is a place where people go to see and be seen, to place wagers, to showcase their summer pinstripes and their elaborate hats, and most of all to enjoy themselves! It's a decades-old tradition, and it gets better every year, featuring live music, special events, and fine dining with great beer and wine at the Turf Club. We love horses, big hats, cool outfits, and above all, great food, wine, and beer, so the Del Mar Races are, obviously, right up our alley. We think they'll be your thing, too. Join us…

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July 17, 2013

Celebrate Diversity With San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!

Happy Pride from San Diego Beer and Wine Tours! Today and tomorrow, San Diego is holding its annual celebration of diversity: Pride Weekend. Much like our craft beer scene and Comic-Con, it started out a small gathering and turned into something much, much bigger.  Every year, the Pride Parade, festival, and afterparties transform the always-lively San Diego neighborhood of Hillcrest into a gigantic, colorful (and sometimes glittery), and inclusive party. We at San Diego Beer and Wine Tours love and respect the differences that keep life interesting. After all, who wants a world just full of Merlots when there are varietals like Albariños, Montepulcianos, and the ever-delightful and spicy Gewürztraminers to try, as well?  And who wants to drink the same bland big brand beers every day when you can try a whole rainbow of craft stouts, pilsners, or  IPAs?…

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July 14, 2013

Congratulations, New Grads, from San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!

Graduation is what's on everybody's mind this time of year, whether it's from middle school or a Ph.D. program. These rites of passages are among the most important to a student, for obvious reasons. It's when their new life begins! If you are a new graduate or love a new graduate, we know ways to help ease the transition from student at university to student of life – sampling the most delicious wine and beer that San Diego has to offer. We help you celebrate on our train tour, roam La Jolla on a beer or wine walking tour, or visit breweries and wineries all over the county in our chauffeured van.   And, by the way. We absolutely love to teach people about the different, wonderful beers and wines San Diego has to offer and introduce them to new…

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June 17, 2013

Happy Father’s Day from San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!

Somebody get this guy a glass of wine!   We at San Diego Beer and Wine Tours love and respect our dads – and yours!  We think that if beer is the mother of civilization, then wine is the father of culture. Its history can be traced at least to 4100 BCE, but wine probably existed far earlier. It has always been around, kind of like your dad.  Speaking of dads, did you know that the Founding Fathers of the United States were oenophiles? Thomas Jefferson had cellar after cellar of wine, and John Adams personally toured Bordeaux.  So, as you can see, fathers and wine (and beer!) all have mutual histories. We want to help you honor your father! That's why we're offering $5 off each ticket on our Fathers Celebration Tours during the month of June. We'll see…

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June 7, 2013

Summer is Coming and We’re Hot!

  The signs are already here. Leaves have popped out on the trees, the birds are singing, the sky is blue, and the ocean looks mighty inviting. Soon, summer will be in full swing and all we'll be able to do is lie around in the blazing heat and pant like dogs. We have the perfect antidote to summer misery! What if we told you we had access to air-conditioned transportation to breezy wineries by the sea, where you could sip chilled wine and cold beer while you eat delicious food? And what if we told you that we've been doing it all along? Come beat the summer heat with us. Bring your loved ones this summer* and we’ll treat you to the best local San Diego’s Wineries on our cool Chauffeured Bus Tours or on our famous San Diego…

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May 24, 2013

Happy Memorial Day from San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!

  Memorial Day, once known as Decoration Day, is a federal holiday with somber roots. It's a day that was specifically created after the Civil War to honor the memory of the men and women in uniform who died fighting wars. Over time, it has evolved into a day to acknowledge all those who are departed, not just those in uniform, and to spend time with loved ones. We at San Diego Beer and Wine Tours honor our women and men in uniform and hold them in the highest esteem. That's why we are offering a special military discount and $5 off  all tours throughout the month of May. And you better believe that we'll be drinking a toast to you! Brooke B., Hero Worshiper 

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May 9, 2013

Happy May Day from San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!

  It's May Day! Today is also a great day in southern California, because it's when the weather turns the corner from April Showers to May Gray. After that we have June Gloom and then our requisite six months of summer – so as you can see it's the perfect time for a feast! This traditional spring holiday is a festival day in many cultures, often related to the ancient Celtic feast day of Beltane.  In many pagan cultures, this was officially the first day of summer, and lest we be accused of getting off-topic, we would like to direct you to Sir James Frazer's epic historical book, The Golden Bough: Thomas Pennant, who travelled in Perthshire in the year 1769, tells us that “on the first of May, the herdsmen of every village hold their Bel-tien, a rural sacrifice….

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May 1, 2013

Happy Cinco de Mayo from San Diego Beer and Wine Tours!

It's Cinco de Mayo. Did you know that in Mexico, Cinco de Mayo isn't widely celebrated? It's true.  However, that shouldn't stop you from enjoying the day by experimenting with Mexican libations! If you're feeling like making a day trip, you can visit the legendary BCB Tasting Room near downtown Tijuana where they have hundreds of beers on tap, or range a little farther afield and head off to Mexico's wine country. The Guadalupe Valley is renowned for its wines, which don't get a lot of airtime in the United States because of steep tariffs. If leaving the country isn't your thing, it's possible to find excellent Baja California beers and wines in the United States, although not as easily for the aforementioned tariffs, but since Mexico's getting into the craft beer brewing business just as enthusiastically as the United…

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April 20, 2013

San Diego Beer and Wine Tours Loves Tax Day…! Kind of.

  Oh, Tax Day.  Is there any date more dreaded or breathlessly awaited in this country than April 15th?   Doing taxes is a chore, even when you know you're going to get a big return at the end. It's even worse when you know you're going to have to pay, and the bugbear of being audited lurks around the corner of every impenetrable phrase.  Luckily, you have us. We can't do your taxes for you (although I'm sure we can suggest some of our favorite accountants) but we can take the edge off by offering you a good deal on a beer or a wine tour to reward yourself after you've done your yearly duty with the IRS!  Call us and mention: "Taxes 1040" and get  $10.40 off each ticket for any San Diego Wine Country or Winery Train Tour.*…

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April 15, 2013