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San Diego Beer & Wine Tours Is Thankful For So Many Things!

It’s almost holiday season. Well, actually, since holiday season starts right after Halloween these days, we guess it IS holiday season!

This the time of year that we tell all of you how thankful we are for all of you.  We couldn’t be in this business without you, our fellow beer, wine,nd food aficionados, and all the good things you bring into our lives.

We’re also thankful we live in such an amazing corner of the world, where fine, locally-produced food and drink is available everywhere we turn!

Since we know you appreciate good meals and drinks just as much as we do, we thought we’d share some tried-and-true suggestions with you to make your Thanksgiving Day as delightful as it can possibly be.

First, to the food.  Do you have too much to drink hanging around the house? Is that bottle of sparkling wine from your great-aunt not really doing it for you?  How about roasting a champagne turkey?  The wine (or sparkling cider, if you don’t feel like sacrificing a bottle) plus some butter leaves the turkey tender, moist, and absolutely delicious.  Or, if you have some leftover reds, how about adding a red wine glaze?  Spectacular!

When it comes to actually drinking the wine, turkey is a special case. While you can drink red or white wine with anything, of course, turkey actually pairs beautifully with both!

So we think that if you want to kick it up a notch, you should take the middle ground and add a delicious orange to pair with your turkey, just to keep your family or friends guessing. Orange wine is white wine that’s spent a lot of time fermenting in its own skins and seeds. At its best, it’s complex and spicy and goes beautifully with a Thanksgiving feast.  The ever-wonderful Bernardo Winery has a sweet orange moscato that would taste divine with cranberry sauce or even with dessert.  It’s also a gorgeous color!

If you’re feeling beerish, we can’t recommend a good stout, like Alesmith’s Speedway Stout, enough.  Its coffee and molasses notes are perfect for pairing with stuffing and its creaminess complements everything from peas to pumpkin pie!

But if you’re feeling adventurous, sour beers are where it’s at for Thanksgiving.  Sour beers, in case you haven’t tried them, are perfect for cutting through the sometimes-gamy flavor of dark turkey meat, and prep your palate for the lighter side dishes.  If you can get your hands on The Savage from Societe, it’s a great American sour ale and we highly recommend it! Its cherry finish will leave you singing.

Of course, you can always come out on a tour with us. We’ll feed you fine food and drink – and you won’t ever have to worry about cleanup!

As always, we’re so thankful for you.

Brooke B., Thanks Giver